We released beta version of documentation for eQ-tilities 1.0. Please visit our Documentation page to download it (requires registration).
New software eQ-tilities 1.0 is released! This free software includes some of the features of enterprise-Q 1.5 like MDist2 distribution monitoring, Remote Control web interface and more. For more information on the software please visit eQ-tilities page on our website.
We released Patch 4 for enterprise-Q 1.5. This patch fixes a problem with slow loading of the "Edit User", "Edit Group" and "Edit Template" pages. Please visit our enterprise-Q Patches page (requires registration) to get more information and to download the patch.
After more than 3 years and one legal opposition, 'enterprise-Q' is now a Registered Trademark of Capital Software Corporation!
Capital Software Corporation will once again be a sponsor at Planet Tivoli. This year, in addition to having a pedestal in the Solution Showcase, we're sponsoring a signing by the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders on Tuesday night between 8 and 9 PM in the Tivoli Customer Relations Hospitality Suite. Hope to see you all there!
We released a new patch for enterprise-Q v1.5. Please visit our enterprise-Q Patches page (requires registration) to get more information on this patch and to download it. We also updated enterprise-Q 1.5 to include all of the bug fixes from this patch.
EQ Upgrade scripts for Solaris are now available for existing EQ 1.4 customers. These scripts can be used to upgrade enterprise-Q for Solaris version 1.4 to version 1.5. Please see upgrade release notes (registration required) for detailed upgrade instructions.
The final release of enterprise-Q v1.5 for Solaris 7 and Solaris 8 is now available for download on the Release and Upgrades page (requires registration) and from the enterprise-Q Evaluation page.
EQ Upgrade scripts for Windows are now available for existing EQ 1.4 customers. These scripts can be used to upgrade enterprise-Q version 1.4 to version 1.5. Please see upgrade release notes (registration required) for detailed upgrade instructions.
The final release of enterprise-Q v1.5 for Windows NT/2000 is now available for download on the Release and Upgrades page (requires registration) and from the enterprise-Q Evaluation page. The final versions of the EQ User Guide and EQ Release Notes are available from the Documentation page (requires registration).
Preliminary version of Release Notes for enterprise-Q v1.5 is available online (registration is required to access the document). Release Notes document includes information about bugs fixed in enterprise-Q v1.5, and a list of new features added to enterprise-Q.
enterprise-Q Forums are operational. On the Forums you can read the latest announcements about new enterprise-Q releases and bug fixes, request a new feature in enterprise-Q, or ask a support question. To participate in the Forums you will need to register.
enterprise-Q v1.5 beta is available for evaluation. Also, we put pre-release version of EQ v1.5 User's Guide in the download section (you need to register to access the guide). If you download the program and/or User's Guide and find any problems with them please report the problems to support.com.
New Capital Software/enterprise-Q website is online! During our website re-organization we changed the design of our website, made it more enterprise-Q oriented, added new pages and features to the website, like Business Case page, enterprise-Q Enhancements page (registered users only), and Release and Upgrades page (customers only). We hope that our new website will ease understanding of enterprise-Q for new users, as well as enhance our support to existing customers.
January, 2002
Capital Software announces another multi-license sale of enterprise-Q to a large banking institution. Check back soon for more information on how enterprise-Q improves their Tivoli implementation.
November, 2001
Unisys selects Enterprise-Q for use on the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearm (ATF) project. After performing an extensive evaluation of Enterprise-Q ,Unisys decided to procure EQ for the ATF environment to automate Tivoli Software Distribution 4.0, Inventory 3.6.2, and Endpoint management under Framework 3.7.1. This marks the first customer using Enterprise-Q with Tivoli's MDist2 cabability.
Capital Software Corporation presented Enterprise-Q v1.4 to the Federal Tivoli User Group (TUG) meeting held at PEC Solutions in Fairfax, Virginia. Please contact our offices if you'd like us to present Enterprise-Q at your next TUG.
The Enterprise-Q Business Case is available online to assist you in making the case to purchase Enterprise-Q for your Tivoli environment. With this document, you're one step closer towards convincing your CFO why Enterprise-Q is a smart investment.
August, 2001
EDS selects Enterprise-Q for the Navy/Marine Corp Intranet (NMCI) project to automate desktop management, such as software distributions and inventory scans, across a large-scale Tivoli Managed Enterprise. EDS purchased 35 production licenses for Enterprise-Q 1.4.1, the Solaris version of EQ. Enterprise-Q is being installed on every Tivoli TMR Server to automate Tivoli Enterprise Mangement across the entire Navy/Marine Corp Intranet, which is expected to encompass over 350,000 nodes. For this project, EDS will use EQ for Tivoli Endpoint Management and for automating Tivoli Inventory scans on a rolling basis, thus maintaining a fresh inventory of all desktop systems. EDS will also integrate EQ with Novadigm Radia, the Software Distribution solution for this project.
We released two new patches for Enterprise-Q v1.4. Please visit our
Enterprise-Q Patches page to get more information on those patches
and to download them.
Evaluation version of Enterprise-Q v1.4 for SPARC Solaris 8 is available.
This version has all of the features of Enterprise-Q for Windows NT
except that currently it supports only Oracle RDBMS. Go to Evaluate
EQ page to download Enterprise-Q for Solaris. "Getting Started
Guide" with Enterprise-Q installation instructions for SPARC
Solaris can be downloaded from our Documentation page.
Enterprise-Q v1.4 Upgrade is available. Please visit EQ v1.4 Upgrade
web page for detailed upgrade instructions.
Automated Enterprise Management for Tivoli - version 1.4 Press Release.
Enterprise-Q v1.4 available for evaluation and purchase. See EQ v1.4
Release Notes and updated v1.4 documentation for details.
London installation of the Credit Suisse multi-license purchase of
Enterprise-Q v1.4.
Capital Software Corporation recently sold Enterprise-Q to Mead Corporation.
Please check back soon for their success story using Enterprise-Q.
Enterprise-Q CLI Reference Guide in PDF format is now online. The
guide explains Enterprise-Q messaging mechanism and provides detailed
information about all supported EQ server messages.
Take a sneak peek of new features of the upcoming version of Enterprise-Q.
August 2000
Capital Software Corporation announces recent sales of Enterprise-Q
v1.3 to three new customers:
08/10/2000: Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
08/18/2000: Kemper Insurance
08/24/2000: Nestle Corporation
Please check our Success Stories web page in the coming weeks for
information about how these new customers are using Enterprise-Q
to improve management of their Tivoli Managed Environment.
Enterprise-Q Approved for Overseas Sales - Capital Software Corporation
has obtained approval from the United States Federal Government to
sell Enterprise-Q overseas. Due to significant international interest
in Enterprise-Q, Capital Software pursued overseas licensing earlier
this year and recently received approval to sell Enterprise-Q globally.
Like Tivoli, now Enterprise-Q can service a worldwide market with
international sales approval from the US Federal Government.
Enterprise-Q User's Guide in PDF format is now online. The guide contains
extensive information on Enterprise-Q v1.3 web interface.
Enterprise-Q on Federal GSA Schedule - Enterprise-Q has been approved
for sale on InformaTech's General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule.
Now, Federal agencies may purchase Enterprise-Q using the streamlined
process established by the GSA. For more information on purchasing
Enterprise-Q off the GSA schedule, please contact Capital Software
Corporation at 703-404-3000 or send email to sales.com.
Wondering about Tivoli's Software Distribution 4.0 versus Enterprise-Q?
See Question 5 on our Enterprise-Q FAQs Page
Enterprise-Q is a presentor in the Planet Tivoli 2000 Solutions Showcase
in Philadelphia, PA from May 22 to 25. Come visit the Enterprise-Q
pedestal, in the first row of the Service Provider location, for a
hands-on demonstration of the latest version of EQ and to receive
more information about our EXCLUSIVE offer for Planet Tivoli 2000
Capital Software now accepts all major Credit Cards. Participating
in our promotional offer just got easier. Charge your permanent EQ
license to a credit card today and maximize your Tivoli investment
with Enterprise-Q.
Evaluate Enterprise-Q v1.3. Sneak Peek version available for download
from this web site!
We added support for MySQL database to Enterprise-Q.