
Capital Software Corporation would like to share some of our Enterprise-Q
success stories. If you read these accounts, and would like additional
information about these and other satisfied customers, please contact
our sales department.
In August of 2000, Kemper purchased and installed Enterprise-Q.
By December, 2000, here is what they had to say:
"Kemper Insurance Companies maintains a heterogeneous
network of approximately 8,500 endpoints. To help manage this
network, Kemper implemented Enterprise-Q in early 2000. Kemper
currently uses Enterprise-Q to coordinate software distributions,
endpoint maintenance, inventory scans and other tasks."
"Starting from scratch, it took only a few days to deploy
Enterprise-Q and bring it to the level where it became a useful
tool. Using Enterprise-Q, Kemper was able to inventory more
than 7,100 endpoints in just six days. The same operation
took three people more than three weeks to perform without
Enterprise-Q. Also through Enterprise-Q, Kemper was able to
upgrade 5,500 endpoints from Tivoli Management Agent version
20 to version 40 in only four days, and Kemper continues to
upgrade at a rate of 200 per day. Before Enterprise-Q, upgrading
anti-virus software took more than 10 people working full
time almost two weeks to complete, but with Enterprise-Q,
the software was queued in less than one hour and took only
one person, part time, a few days to monitor the distribution
via Enterprise-Q. Additionally, Kemper devised an in-house
method to use Enterprise-Q to allow customers to defer software
distributions to a more favorable time, a neat feature appreciated
by our customers that would be nearly impossible without Enterprise-Q."
"Kemper Insurance Company looks forward to a long and profitable
association with Capital Software and Enterprise-Q."
Nestle USA maintains a network of 8,000 workstations and 300 servers,
with nearly 200 of those servers running Windows NT and being dedicated
to workstation support in some way (file-and-print, database, shared
resources, etc). All 8,000 workstations run a standardized "image"
which is consistant across the company, and which includes over
400 standard applications ranging from small vertical-market packages
to large systems like Manugistics, PeopleSoft, and SAP.
Nestle began its Tivoli implementation over 3 years ago, with version
3.6 and has continually updated the environment since.
While many elements of Tivoli's software are used, the driving factors
for Nestle's EDSM (enterprise data systems management) initiative
- To send out software distribution updates to all 8,000 machines
every month, maintaining the stability of the standard image.
- To maintain an up-to-date inventory of both workstation and server hardware
to be used as a tie in to both the helpdesk and asset-management systems.
- To alert support groups to any problems that occur in order to maintain
a high-availability environment.
Prior to implementing Enterprise-Q,
Nestle was satisfied (but not thrilled) with the degree of success
achieved in the areas of software distribution and inventory:
- Software distribution had achieved an average success of 50 - 60% per monthly
distribution (as compared to a target of 95% required by management).
- Inventory information was not considered by most groups to be accurate
or up to date.
The implementation of EQ (in mid-2000) has had the following benefits:
- It has revealed instabilities within the endpoint management architecture,
and allowed accurate identification and statistical reporting of problems
as they occur.
- It has increased software distribution success to
between 60% and 80%, with additional gains expected as the endpoint
environment is further tuned.
- It has helped achieve an inventory
system that is viewed not only as reliable, but also critical to the
proper functioning of the helpdesk and desktop support organizations.
Enterprise-Q has become such an integral part of the overall US Tivoli
environment that it was barely contested when the project for a GLOBAL
implementation was announced. With very short development cycles and
tight staff constraints, Nestle expects that EQ will be a critical
factor in the success of this rollout.
With nearly 5000 Endpoints, NASD began using Tivolis out-of-the-box
capabilities for performing Inventory Scans and Software Distributions.
Needing to increase productivity, NASD looked at Enterprise-Q after
hearing about its automated retry, tracking and reporting capabilities.
Now, NASD uses EQ exclusively for day-to-day enterprise management
As a result of using Enterprise-Q, NASD reduced the time to perform
desktop inventory scans across all 5000 nodes as follows:
Calendar Days |
Man-Days |
Tivoli Only |
60 |
30 |
Tivoli w/EQ |
14 |
2 |
After the ILOVEYOU virus, NASD distributed a McAfee upgrade and updated virus definition file (total File Package of nearly
10MB) to 4500 desktops in 2.5 days with minimal manpower.
Chubb is a leading national and international insurance
organization founded as a marine underwriting business in 1882. Today,
with more than US billion in assets and more than 11,000 employees
around the globe, Chubb serves commercial and personal customers through
5,000 independent agents and brokers worldwide. Furthermore, Chubb is
consistently rated among the highest U.S. insurance carriers for quality
of service in the Goldman, Sachs U.S. Research Survey of insurance agents
and brokers.
In 1999, Chubb achieved success managing their US enterprise using Enterprise-Q
version 1.3. Today, Chubb successfully utilizes the latest version of EQ in
the United States and Europe, and continues to be a premier Enterprise-Q
For more information on Chubb's success story, please contact our offices
for reference material.
In the merger with Nations Bank, BOA met resistance to migrate
15,000 CA UNICENTER controlled desktops to Tivoli. One sticking
point was the inability to queue software distributions using Tivoli,
a feature used regularly in the CA UNICENTER environment. To address
this, BOA turned to Enterprise-Q. After a successful demonstration
of Enterprise-Q to the folks using UNICENTER, they agreed to convert
their existing environment from UNICENTER to Tivoli. This process
is currently taking place.
Enterprise-Q is the mainstay of the Military Health Services (MHS)
enterprise management initiative known as Global Enterprise Management
for MHS (GEMM). In fact, Enterprise-Q is a requirement in the Request
for Proposal (RFP) for the second phase of this initiative (GEMM II).
Relying on EQ rapid deployment capabilities, Capital Software Corporation
and Tivoli Professional Services were able to implement a full-blown
Tivoli architecture within 2 weeks at each of five (5) MHS locations.
EQ rapid deployment capabilities include installing the agent, installing
software, and taking an inventory of all desktops at each location,
automatically. The Tivoli Managed Region (TMR) continued to expand
even after leaving each location. As new desktops logged into the
NT Domain, they were automatically captured into the Tivoli environment.
And, of course, Enterprise-Q was left at each site to provide a
common operating environment for all GEMM sites. Since most sites
do not have a Tivoli-trained support staff, Enterprise-Q is crucial
to the continued success of this project.